find your wedding ceremony location - 9 unique ceremony site ideas

For couples choosing to hold their 2010 Evening Dresses at their own place of worship or that of their families, the perfect location to exchange vows is a non-decision. Many reception sites also boast beautiful settings in which to hold a wedding ceremony, offering the bride and groom a convenient alternative.

For others though, the ideal ceremony location presents a challenge, since unlike reception sites, resources for ceremony site ideas are often scarce. Thankfully, this list of our favorite ceremony sites will ensure your Empire Wedding Dresses is as memorable as your reception.

Unique Ceremony Site Ideas

Parks Offering a picturesque outdoor setting, parks are perfect locations for wedding ceremonies held during temperate months. The abundance of natural scenery can even eliminate the need for pricey decorations!

Government Buildings Often magnificent architectural wonders, government buildings are a great untapped resource for memorable wedding ceremonies.

Rivers/Lakes/Beaches If your wedding reception will be held close to a body of water, take advantage of the ideal location and consider holding your ceremony on the banks of the water.

National Monuments Incorporate some historical significance into your A-line Wedding Dresses, and hold your ceremony near a national monument.

Natural Wonders Nothing signifies taking the big leap into marriage quite like saying "I Do" from a waterfall, cliff or mountain top.

Botanical Gardens In addition to all the love in the air, a garden Ball Gowns provides warm breezes, fragrant flowers and a great relaxed vibe. Consult your almanac and ensure the outside temperatures will be comfortable during your chosen time of year.

Museums Another often untapped resource of architectural prowess, museums provide distinctive backdrops for ceremonies (and an opportunity to learn something!)

Roof Deck or Roof Top If you're close to a metropolitan area, consider the roof of one of the tallest buildings. This can make for stunning views and photo opportunities.

Family Member's House or Yard Perhaps the perfect ceremony site is right in your own backyard! Having a backyard ceremony adds a special personal touch and creates a down home feel. Because no two backyards are the same, it also guarantees your wedding ceremony will be unlike any other.

How To Find Wedding Ceremony Locations Near You

Not sure where to begin in finding these types of wedding ceremony sites? Contact your local chamber of commerce for recommendations and information in your area. And for even more advice and tips on planning your wedding ceremony, consult this complete ceremony guide.
Par junjun555 le vendredi 20 mai 2011


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