liv, the virtual travel diva presents_ a wedding

Quite unexpectedly one of Liv's best friends, Brieanna announced her engagement. Andre had just asked her to marry him & she was bursting at the seams to share the news with Liv. It was all so very exciting. Brie and Andre had been dating for a little over a year, but there hadn't been any mention of a wedding. At least not to Liv & she would know because Brie tells her everything.

Brie is thinking about having the wedding in Jamaica. Andre doesn't seem to care where he gets married as long as Brie will be his Beach Wedding Dresses. Andre did agree to the September 23rd wedding date, but hopes that Brie will take charge of all the details. She's considering staying at Sandals, an all inclusive couples resort located on a private island in Montego Bay.

Brie has heard a lot about Sandals' "WeddingMoon" package from her friends and has even fallen in love with the famous drink called the "Jamaican Smile." One of the things that appeal to Brie about Sandals' "WeddingMoon" is that Preston Bailey gives his special attention to each one. Many Hollywood stars have chosen Preston to create that ultimate romantic moment for them so he comes highly recommended.

Another reason that Brie is thinking about Sandals is because of the transfers they give to each couple upon arrival. The transfers allow the newlyweds to hop on air conditioned shuttles and go to other Sandals Resorts in "Mo Bay." It makes it easy to travel within the same town for a variety of dining experiences and a change of scenery. Sandals also has the "Stay at 1, Play at 7" program. This means their guests can take advantage of the amenities at all 7 of the resorts in Jamaica, if they'd like. It's a matter of convenience combined with the bonus of seeing other parts of the island.

Andre and Brie completed the Honeymoon Bridal Registry they had discovered on their favorite travel website, It's free for couples to register and provides a variety of options for family and friends when choosing Column Wedding Dresses. Andre and Brie have both lived on their own for a number of years. They don't want the material things that most newlyweds who are just starting out need. With that in mind the happy couple made a wish list of romantic things that they would like to experience on their honeymoon. Their dream list consisted of little adventures that they would always cherish.

Brie and Andre thought the Bridal Registry was awesome and would be convenient for everyone. Their friends and family will save gas and the aggravation of driving to the mall by simply ordering their gifts online at It's easy to use too. All Brie and Andre had to do was bring up the travel website, click on "Bridal Registry," and follow the easy instructions. Instead of buying a toaster or blender, Brie & Andre's friends and family will have other options. They may contribute towards a romantic couples massage, limo ride w/champagne, Kingston Jamaica Day Tour, live webcast of the wedding, The Dolphin Experience, Hot Towel Beard Shave or even cash to help towards the cost of the honeymoon.

Brie's thoughts turned back to when she first met the love of her life. She had always been a romantic so she knew right away that Andre was the perfect match for her. He loved the same things that she did, sailing, horseback riding, surfing & snowboarding. But she moved him to the top of her A-list when he told her that he volunteered at the Special Olympics every year. Andre won Brie's heart because he truly cares about helping people. His good looks were just a bonus, a part of the total package. He doesn't just talk about volunteering, he takes action.

Brie also volunteers, but her focus is on helping people who are living with HIV/AIDS. That's how she met Liv. They both were volunteers at the Pater Noster House. The Pater Noster House takes care of low income individuals who have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and are homeless or facing homelessness. The Pater Noster House provides a temporary place for them to stay.

Liv & Brie are fun-loving people whose enthusiasm and joy of life is Tea Length Wedding Dresses. They enjoy volunteering and have found it to be rewarding because the people they assist are very cool and often become their friends. Most just want someone who'll listen to them while they bare their souls. People living with AIDS often endure pain, ridicule and avoidance. Although, thanks to education, things have gotten better, but there's lots of room for improvement.

Liv's brother died of AIDS many years ago. During the last few months of his life he lived in the Bailey-Boushay House in Seattle, WA. It was the first 24-hour AIDS nursing home and hospice in the US. The doctors, nurses and volunteers took excellent care of Liv's brother. They even provided accommodations for her family while visiting her brother. The special attention and strong desire to keep Liv's brother comfortable during the last few months of his life touched Liv deeply. So she vowed to do her part. She wanted to comfort other's and help relieve some of strain that families in similar circumstances might be feeling. That's when she decided to volunteer at the Pater Noster House.

Volunteering has always been in Brie's blood. She tries to help those less fortunate than she because she's just that type of person. Brie was the one to call on if you needed help in high school or church. After graduating she continued that spirit of helping others by volunteering in the community and other charities. But her heart and passion has always been to contribute, in her small way, to finding a cure for AIDS. The battle against AIDS must be won soon!

Volunteering for Liv, Andre and Brie is a common thread that ties them together. Now they have a wedding to look forward to. Hopefully, the plans will be finalized soon. There's still a couple of other wedding destinations to consider, so Brie and Andre will look into those before making their final decision. Who knows, maybe they'll choose an Adventure Wedding and Honeymoon in Africa.
Par junjun555 le lundi 23 mai 2011


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